Emotional trouble not winning in Forex. Are you frustrated and angry?

ムキになって怒るイメージ写真 FX Mental Troubleshooting
  • “I can’t win even with this method!”
  • “I should spend more time looking at the charts so I don’t miss any trading opportunities!”

Have you been frustrated and angry with your Forex trading lately?

I understand your desire to work harder and harder, but your efforts may be having the opposite effect. This time, I would like you to listen to a story that will lead to your future.


Everyone has a problem: “Getting pissed off.”

Everyone wants to make more money than they are making now, and everyone wants to make big profits from forex.

In pursuit of profits, they improve their skills in technical analysis and other areas and repeat trial and error every day, but it does not lead to good results, and in fact, their funds may be decreasing.

When this happens, they inevitably become frustrated and angry, and continue to work even harder, repeating the same efforts over and over again.

If the results of your “best efforts” are not satisfactory, you will probably become discouraged, and this may cause you to become desperate.

When you fall into desperation, you may throw away things that had been going well and take out your frustration and dissatisfaction on those around you, which may lead you into an even worse spiral.

“Are you not pissed off?” Point to check

No one wants to be in such an unpleasant situation, and you naturally think so too.

To avoid this, it is important to first check yourself to see if you are “getting pissed off.” It is important to check yourself first to see if you are “losing your temper.

Below are some of the characteristics of a person who is in a state of anger, so let’s check together.

Point 1: There is a sense of being urged on

Do you always feel like you are in a constant state of “hurry” in your daily life?

  • I should definitely ________. I must do ________ and prepare ________ for it!
  • I must do ____ as soon as possible!
  • This is not the time to be doing this right now!

Have you been constantly throwing words like these at yourself lately?

Point 2: More and more time is spent at the PC for trading

  • Are you spending more and more time in front of the computer these days?
  • Have you been spending less time on personal grooming, such as bathing, washing your face, and brushing your teeth?
  • When was the last time you spent time with your wife and children?

You may be tempted to say, “I’m doing all this for the sake of my family!”

You may be tempted to say so, but if you neglect your family now, you may lose the “emotional connection” with your partner with whom you were supposed to share the profits when you become successful in trading in the future.

When that happens, you may feel that it was not supposed to be like this, but unfortunately it is too late.

This problem of not having a partner with whom to share wealth wholeheartedly is a well-known “rich person’s problem” in some circles.

Point 3: I am more irritable and angry than before

This is not easy for me to recognize, but there are many signs that I am becoming frustrated or angry, so I will give a few examples.

One of the characteristics of being angry is that you lose patience.

And you can feel that everyone around you is “trying to make you angry”.

For example, if the forex market moves slightly in the opposite direction of what you intended, you will get frustrated and become angry, saying, “You’re making me look like an idiot! and get angry.

Often, right after a loss, they will say, “Well, it’s going down (up), isn’t it? and then they take a position as if they are trying to fight back against the market. This is typical anger.

This is typical anger. In everyday life, even if the checkout line is a little crowded when shopping, traders get irritated and say, “Everyone is always bothering me! I get angry.

When food is slow to be served in a restaurant, they immediately start to fidget and find themselves glaring at the waitress with an irritated look in their eyes.

When I get frustrated and pissed off, I almost certainly get sick

Photograph of an image of a person who is ill with a fever.

Recently, medical and brain science research has elucidated various effects of human emotions on the physical body.

The results of these studies show that the negative effects of “anger” on the body are serious and cannot be ignored.

When we feel frustrated, angry, and rageful, our muscles tense up, and as a result, the circulation of blood is compromised.

Studies have shown that intense anger can alter the body’s cells and cause the blood to become sluggish.

Furthermore, anger activates the sympathetic nervous system, which raises blood pressure, which in itself is a risk for arteriosclerosis.

And when blood circulation is poor, the natural balance of metabolism and hormones is disrupted, leading to a lack of nutrition for the brain, which in turn affects brain activity itself.

In other words, if you continue to trade FX in an angry and frustrated state, there is a high possibility that you will eventually become physically ill.

*Please refer to our other articles on the relationship between trading and physical condition.

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Reference 怒りが健康に及ぼす悪影響

Is the cause of frustration “guilt for doing FX”?

Maybe you are always frustrated with forex because you feel guilty about forex.

Do you usually think of forex this way?

  1. You think that FX is an easy way for anyone to make money if they only know how to win.
  2. You think that FX does not create any value to the society.
  3. You think that Forex is just an ugly world where people compete for money.
  4. In other words, they think that making money in Forex is “unfair and bad.

If you feel your mind boggling when you hear the words, “It’s cheating and bad to make money on Forex,” you may be feeling guilty about Forex.

Many people who get frustrated easily in forex tend to feel this “guilt about doing forex,” and this is often the reason why they are not winning.

This is psychologically known as the “guilt brake,” and if you think it is a bad thing at a deep conscious level, you will unconsciously act in a way that hinders your own success and achievement.

In other words, no matter how much you say you want to succeed in forex, deep down inside you think, “I shouldn’t be making money doing this.

This psychological gap (discrepancy) or contradiction can easily lead to emotional instability, and you will become frustrated over even the slightest problem.

This is like hitting the gas pedal and the brake of a car at the same time.

With this kind of guilt, no matter how many small steps you try to take, it will not work.

If you are in this state of guilt, no matter how much you try to do something about it, it will not work, so please read the article below and get rid of that guilt.

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What to think about when you can’t win in Forex – Summary

It is certainly an undeniable fact that all successful traders spend a lot of time trading. Sometimes they get frustrated and angry.

However, traders who have found success in trading and happiness in life value “life balance” above all else.

Perhaps you may feel that “life balance” is something that puts a brake on your forex activities, and you may feel a sense of rejection.

If that is the case, then work on FX with all your might during the weekdays. Instead, make sure to spend one day a week doing nothing at all related to Forex.

“Strength training” can be maximized by alternating between days of thorough muscle training and days to let the muscles rest and recover.

In the same way, the time you spend resting without doing Forex will maximize the effectiveness of your daily Forex training, verification, and study.

And above all, that time is “building up happiness” with your family and those close to you.

I hope that you will consider the contents of this article in order to be in a “truly joyful state” both physically and mentally when you are successful in your trades.

These are some of the emotional troubles that prevent you from winning in Forex and whether or not you are frustrated and pissed off.

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