No Handicap in Favor of Forex Beginners. Tips for Surviving and Improving

初心者にハンデは無い Useful Stories for FX

In Forex, traders from all walks of life compete daily in the world of the markets. In such a situation, you will not be given easy conditions just because you are a beginner.

You may be a beginner in the fascinating world of Forex, but you still have a lot to learn. However, in the world of Forex, the results can vary greatly depending on your mindset when you take your first steps.

In this article, we will give you advice on how to survive and progress in the world of Forex, as well as tips and cautions for beginners.


Everyone is a beginner at the beginning of anything, however ……

When starting something new, everyone starts out as a beginner.

“Will I be able to do it?” “Is it difficult?” “Can I do it?” “Is it too difficult?” However, it is an unavoidable reality that you start out in a state of “I can’t do anything or I don’t know anything.

In other words, you literally “won’t know if you can do it until you try,” but the kind of action you choose to take at this initial stage may change your probability of success in FX trading.

In the world of forex trading, trying to find the right answer efficiently doesn’t work

Many people have a real sense of “having a predetermined correct answer” or “efficiently arriving at the correct answer” through their study experience in school.

So you may similarly wish to know the correct answer (winning method/trading technique) efficiently in FX as well.

However, in fact, it is not too much to say that there is no such thing in the world of FX trading that can be called “the right answer that anyone can do and get results.

Certainly, there are methods such as currency arbitrage and trading based on insider information that at first glance appear to be the holy grail. But even these methods require a high level of risk, and not everyone can do them.

So what can we do? Here are some facts that will give you a hint.

One thing that my friends and winning forex traders I have met online have in common is that they have developed a trading style that fits their temperament, personality, and lifestyle.

In other words, there are countless specific ways to win at Forex, and it is important to understand the stochastic trends of price movements through verification and then customize your trading methods to suit yourself.

The article below provides information related to this.

What is the most powerful method in Forex? Where is the Holy Grail?
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accumulate market experience while trying it out in your own way

Therefore, as a beginner in Forex, you should not suddenly look around for a “winning trading method,” but rather face the “price movements on the charts” that are the stage of the battle.

To begin with, what kind of price movements do currencies such as the dollar-yen and euro-dollar usually have? It is important to take steps to understand these trends through a large number of past charts.

For example, as a concrete method – after learning the meaning of characteristic candlesticks such as pin bars (candlesticks with beards), wrapping feet, long candlesticks, and crosshairs, we recommend that you continue to look through a large number of charts.

For more information, please refer to the article below.

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Then, while trying out some of the so called “royal road” trading methods through demos and small trades, gradually accumulate both “experience in analyzing past charts” and “experience through winning and losing in actual competition”.

Even if you start FX trading out of the blue, you will only be stuck in the violent movements of the exchange rate in front of you, and you will not be able to keep winning consistently.

By accumulating market experience while experimenting in your own way, you will gradually discover your own trading style and areas for improvement.

You may not be able to imagine it at all now, but “future you,” who has more experience than you have now, will be able to see things that you do not even notice now.

Let’s take the first step and take a good amount of time to face the currency charts.

In the FX world, you don’t get a favorable handicap just because you’re a beginner

In the world of sports, beginners are given a kind of “special treatment.

Matches are organized by rank, beginners are given handicaps, and competitions (such as rookie tournaments) are held between beginners.

For example, in boxing, a debutant fighter does not suddenly fight a champion. This is because the difference in ability between the two could put their lives in danger.

In the world of Shogi (Japanese chess), when there is a big difference in ability, the higher ranked player reduces the number of pieces to give himself a handicap, called “Koma-oshi”.

Compared to those competitions, there is no handicap for beginners in the world of FX trading.

No matter how much difference there is in the amount of capital (margin), trading skills, or trading methods used, trading is conducted under the same trading rules.

You are a beginner in Forex and you say, “I made a mistake, so please pretend that my entry didn’t happen! or “Pretend that my earlier stop-loss never happened!” However, the market will never forgive you.

You need to keep in mind that in the world of Forex trading, it is never possible to say, “I am a beginner, so I will tolerate it this time.

The better beginners “graduate from beginner” faster

Under such circumstances, there is a characteristic that is common to beginners in the FX market who quickly grow and produce results.

They are able to learn the basics of Forex trading and go through trial and error in their own way – in other words, they are able to think independently while choosing and implementing their actions.

As a result, they graduate from being a beginner at an early stage.

It is natural that there are many things they cannot do or do not know because they are beginners.

However, they have the tenacity to sort out the problems and take measures to solve them, without trying to get others to do something about it or to get a simple answer.

As a result, from the eyes of those around them, they seem to have “graduated from being FX beginners in no time.

However, this does not mean that you should just go about it in your own way.

As mentioned earlier, it is important to face the charts and learn from the price movements themselves.

The title of “Forex novice” should be discarded as soon as possible

In this way, in the world of FX trading, which is a strictly professional world, the title of “FX beginner” has no particular advantage, but rather a noticeable disadvantage of “spoiling yourself”.

I am a beginner in Forex, so please teach me so I can understand”, “I am a beginner in Forex, so I want to know how to trade more easily”, “I am a beginner in Forex, so I need a safe trading environment” – this kind of thinking is an obstacle to your growth as a Forex trader.

Don’t use being a beginner as an excuse – just by making this commitment, you can start to become a professional Forex trader.

Again, forex trading is a professional game.

If you were a seasoned professional trader and saw an unarmed beginner in front of you, you would probably think, “I can easily beat this guy,” or “He is an idiot with no clue.

You are a newborn herbivore on the savannah

In the savanna, a world of predators and prey, young herbivores are easy prey for predators.

That is why baby herbivores try to stand up on their own feet as soon as they are born, because otherwise their lives would be in danger.

If they do not, their lives are in danger.

They desperately try to stand up in order to survive.

There, the nonsense such as, “They are beginners in the savanna, so please leave them alone and don’t attack them for a while,” will not work.

If you are the same “currency market baby,” then you must work hard to quickly shed your title as a forex beginner in order to survive and achieve results in the forex world.

Let’s have a beginner forex mindset that can improve and grow

One of the most common misconceptions among novice forex traders in the world is that they are customers of a store called a forex company.

You may know that this is a big mistake.

In reality, however, there are many novice forex traders who still have this naive “customer mentality”, albeit to different degrees.

Forex companies are in business, so they open their doors wide to beginners and whisper kind and gentle words to them.

However, the reality is that it is a serious game, and if you go out there unarmed and unarmed, the result will be as clear as daylight.

The true nature of forex trading is so severe that it does not allow beginners to survive. That is why it is said that the first goal of a beginner forex trader is to survive.

Because survival is a priority, they distance themselves from easy real trading, humbly learn from past charts, and increase their awareness and mindset to grow through market experience.

I hope that you will quickly discard the title of “Forex beginner” and work with the awareness that you are a Forex professional, even though you are still inexperienced.

No handicap in favor of FX beginners – Summary

The term “beginner in Forex trading” essentially means “apprentice to a professional,” not a customer who can be taught by hand, much less a “vulnerable person to be protected.

Only by accepting this harsh premise can one stand at the starting line of the professional world of forex trading.

If you feel “I didn’t think it was such a tough world,” that is a natural reaction, and it was the same for me at first.

But by accepting that you need to take the market seriously, the reality in front of you will change drastically, and the door to the possibility of success in Forex will begin to open.

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